My Prolon Experience

I did the Prolon fasting mimicking diet and I wanted to share my unfiltered, unsponsored, honest opinion. I decided to do this “diet” because I wanted to give my digestion a break. Prior to starting the diet, I had been eating everything in sight, even foods I don’t consider a part of my normal routine; cake, pasta, pizza, you name it. Yes, a health coach also has some fun meals too ha. Anyways, I was not feeling optimal at all. Moral of the story, I needed a reset.

If you are not familiar with Prolon here is what the website advertises, “ProLon® is a 5-day dietary program carefully designed to nourish and rejuvenate your body while supporting metabolic balance. The ProLon FastingMimicking Diet® gives many of the benefits of a fast while letting you eat delicious food to help fight hunger and lose weight while protecting lean body mass.* Get a trimmer waistline and many of the associated benefits of fasting without requiring ongoing lifestyle changes, such as long-term dieting.”

My fiancé and I decided to do this together as it would have been nearly impossible to keep if someone else was eating full meals while the other was eating powdered soups. We decided we only wanted to do 3 full days. To be honest, I don’t know how I could have done more. The first day you get the most food then it tapers down on days 2-5. Day 1 we were feeling good, 3 meals and 2 snacks was totally feasible. After day 1, we felt better because all the food was easy to digest. Upon waking on day 2, I felt really good but once the afternoon hit I was slowly fading. I did add a black tea and coffee to one of the other days as I wasn’t following the program 100%, I knew that to have any form of success for myself I had to tailor it a bit. Some will say it wont work well because I didn’t follow it 100% but honestly, I don’t think I would ever do this again so there’s no chance I could get the most benefits as you are recommended to do it 3 months in a row… not for me LOL.

Benefits -

  • No meal prep, no mental capacity spent on meals or meal prep because you eat what is given (this was actually a refreshing break)

  • Become more in tune with the why of eating and determining if you are truly hungry or not (I noticed I eat out of boredom a lot)

  • GI Digestion break (a nice little break to give the gut a break)

  • Drank a LOT of water

  • Felt lighter and refreshed after the program was done

  • My instagram DMs were absolutely hysterical for the few days I was doing Prolon

Negatives -

  • Starving on days 2+, need a lot of mental strength to get through it

  • Personally, my GI system was messed up for 2 days after the program, not sure if others had this experience

  • Being hungry is uncomfortable, have to get comfortable with the discomfort

  • Eating is supposed to be nourishing and fun, this was not fun

  • Some of the food was gross and the snacks were olives, I hate olives and this was a huge bummer

Overall, I don’t know if I would recommend this for most people. I think it’s very extreme, and may not be the best cleanse option out there. If you have questions, reach out!

Until next time,



I Went Off The Gram


Avoiding Fortified Foods