I Went Off The Gram

I went off the gram.

Yep, we had a break up which will soon be followed by a make up but I wanted to share a few things I learned from this social media free time. Prior to deleting Facebook and IG, I had constantly noticed I could never get through my to do list and my screen usage time kept climbing week after week. This alone was causing me anxiety. The other week I took some time off of work and figured deleting social media may also provide me a much needed mental cleanse I was looking for.

 My takeaways… 

  • Social media is designed to breed comparison, anxiety, jealousy, and unhappiness. This isn’t a new revelation but wow, I got so stuck in a wheel of comparison which is not something I normal do and is not something I’m proud of.

  • When you don’t have the constant refresh of social media, there’s really nothing to do on your phone which allows you to take time away without having FOMO. *mindblown*

  • I got through my to do list and even had an extra hour to read, watch the news, sit outside all while being bored. Yes, bored. When was the last time you were bored? It’s a good thing to not be stimulated all the time.

  • I noticed how frequently I subconsciously scrolled to the second page of my phone where my apps lived. This was disturbing to me…yikes.

Overall, I can’t fully decide to live a life with or without social media. I do know when I come back, I’m going to aim to limit my usage, regularly delete the app, and move my phone into other rooms to avoid the temptation.

It’s ironic because as I write this, I know deep down these “rules” are going to be challenging because social media is designed to be addicting. Unfortunately I don’t have all the answers, but I do know that taking a break to focus on yourself is critical for healthDo it.

Until next time,

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