Laugh Often

Hi TPW Fam,

The last step on our journey to a positive mental attitude concludes with the importance of laughter. As a reminder, the pillars to positive mental attitude are as follows…

  • Become an optimist

  • Become aware of self talk

  • Ask better questions

  • Employ positive affirmations

  • Set positive goals

  • Practice positive visualization

  • Laugh long and often

Laughter, such an overlooked aspect of health. Not only is laughter good for the soul, but it is proven to boost the immune system, enhance blood flow to the body’s extremities, improve cardiovascular function, plays an active role in the body’s endorphin release and elevation of painkilling chemicals, and improves the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to internal organs… can we just pause for a second and take a brief moment of gratitude for laughter? That is pretty incredible. 

So how can you get more laughter in your life?

Learn to laugh at yourself 👉stop taking yourself so seriously

Watch comedies or stand up at home 👉 find something that makes you laugh whether its a good netflix show or old movie (my favorite stand up i recently watched is Black Mitzvah, Tiffany Hadish on Netflix)

Play with kids 👉 kids really know how to laugh and play, if you don’t have kids in the family, considering volunteering with children

Our attitude is just like our physical body in that it requires constant conditioning to stay fit. What determines our life’s direction is not what happens in our lives but how we respond to the challenges, heartbreak, disappointments and failures as they are often the fuel for joy, compassion, and success.

I hope you enjoyed this journey and work to implement one positive change to improve your point of view and attitude for the better.

Until next time,



Avoiding Fortified Foods


Set Positive Goals and Visualize Them